Thursday, December 25, 2008

Road Signs

I have been struggling all week with this post. I'm pretty limited with my time and opportunities to write. I will probably be lucky to get one post done per week. I feel that with so few posts that I should make them, at the very least, interesting. I really want to give people something to think about. I had been praying for God to bless me with something to write.

Early Monday morning I was awakened with some pretty profound thoughts and as I lay in bed, a few hours from the alarm clock waking me for work, I thought I should get right up and start writing while it was fresh and I was so inspired. I toyed with the thought and then determined that rest was more important, so I went back to sleep. I woke up around 4am and for the life of me couldn't remember much of what was so profound to me except that it had something to do with road signs, the yield sign in particular.

All week long as time slipped by I kept thinking to myself that I should have gotten up. What was this nagging notion that I had let something good get away? Then I thought of Tim's sermon on Sunday about God working in his own time, about having faith and releasing God. I had been praying for God to bless me with something of worth and had expected his grace to happen when I sat down to start writing. I had forgotten about God's timeline. I was working in my timeline and expected my prayer to be answered in that timeline. God may have answered my prayer as I slept. Instead of getting up when the gift was given, I went back to sleep. Did I miss God? I think that we all have those moments when we let our flesh interfere with God's work. Maybe that's why the yield sign stuck out in my mind. Maybe if I had yielded to God and gotten out of his way I would have released him to do the work I had requested.


  1. I know I discussed this with you, honey, and few other people, but I too had God awaken me with discussion of road signs, and it was not long after your message from Him. He informed me more in the form of a stop light instead of a road sign.

    He told me that in my life, I sometimes need to pay most attention to the red light. Just STOP. Sometimes I need to just look (& really see), or listen (& really hear), or even do nothing! He is there to help instruct me if I'm paying attention instead of "cruising along" in my own world.

    There are times, like a green light, when I truly need to "put the hammer down" & go, go, go.......don't miss the opportunities that He has laid pratically "in my lap". Again, use the eyes, ears, head, & heart that He's provided me. Something about comfort zone & stretching....He will be there to catch me if (& when) I stumble or fall. Go child....GO!!!

    And then there is the yellow light....proceed with caution..... is it from Him or is it not? Flesh-controlled, community-controlled, satan-controlled, or Holy Spirit controlled? Keep communication lines ALWAYS open! The answer is there..just pray & obey....

    I try with every breath He so graciously gives me to BE the child HE KNOWS I can be. I'm now trying to pay more attention to the "signs" before me. As in driving, when you disobey traffic control devices, fines can be costly....I don't want my "fines" to be costly with my Father.

    does any of this make sense when I try to put it to words?? oh well, GOD KNOWS what I'm trying to say, AND more importantly I know what He told me.

    I love you honey and am anxious to see what comes next!!!

    1. I think you should have written this blog!
